Sura and Alexander
Sura and Alexander

Alexander Zysa Waldman

Information and photos on this page have  been provided by Penny Burnstein and family research

Alexander (Zysia) Waldman was born in Wasniow, Poland in  1894. He was the son of Meir and Hinde Gitl Waldman. He lived in  Ostrowiec,  was married to Sura/Sara Hinda (Boksenbaum/Buksbaum) and had three children. They left to Palestine in 1936.

Their 3 children who were born in Ostrowiec were:

  • Avraham (b. 1922 and passed away in  Israel around 1992 ). He was married to Lea.
  • Chaya Waldman ( b 1924) , married Alexander Burnstein and passed away in California ,USA in 2005.
  • Haim (b 1933 ) and married Dorothy and passed away in California, USA in 1997.

(Notation-Avraham and Haim’s family names were changed in Israel to Eldan)

Most of Alexander siblings were murdered during the Holocaust. His brother Rachmiel/Ralph survived the Holocaust by escaping from the slave labor camp.

Alexander (Zysia) Waldman passed away on June 5 1973 in Israel.

L-R: Avraham, Sara, Chaim (child), Alexander, Chaya
L-R: Avraham, Sara, Chaim (child), Alexander, Chaya
Avram (Waldman) Eldan*
Avram (Waldman) Eldan*
Chaya Waldman
Chaya Waldman
Haim (Waldman) Eldan*
Haim (Waldman) Eldan*

* Notation:  The Waldman brothers changed their name in Israel from Waldman to Eldan