Fela Zynger
Fela Zynger

Fela Zynger

Below is an excerpt of the Ostrowiec youth mentioned in the book ‘HaDerech Lecherut' (The Way to Freedom)  written by Joseph Zvi Halperin. [Page:27]

The Ostrovtzer youth who reached our group were sent to us by the local committee people who feared for the refugees’ lives. They arrived in two groups: The first group, five girls and a boy, arrived in the second half of May; the second group, four girls and three boys, around a month afterwards. Some of these youths belonged to Zionist youth groups before the war, mainly to Betar; others came without any Zionist motivation, at times even against their will. (From among the thirteen Ostrovtzers who came to us in Kielce, only six settled in the Land; one girl who remained in Kielce was murdered there on July 4, 1946; six girls left us along the way and settled in America.)

Fela Zynger

Fela Zynger and her younger sister Jadzia left us in Italy when they found out that their brothers had survived and were in Germany. She, from the very beginning, was uncomfortable with the cooperative lifestyle and our goal of joining a kibbutz. Today they both live in Toronto, Canada.

-For page listing all members of the group see this page.


Cover of book in Hebrew: "The Way to Freedom"