Abraham Weinberg
Based on testimony given to Yad Vashem in 1984.
Abraham Weinberg was born around 1924 and lived in Groiec, Poland in beginning of war. He escaped with his family to Ostrowiec in early 1941 where his married brother lived.
While in the ghetto as a teenager, he was able to support his family by trading in the black market.
While most of the Ghetto was liquidated in Oct 1942, he declared he was a carpenter and avoided to be sent out like most Jews to Treblinka. He was forced to sort out Jewish property that was later sent back to Germany, later he worked in the steel factory where his brother was working.
In late 1942, he and his brother knew there will be more problems for the Jews. His brother had a friend Shlomo Brukierer/Broker who created a plan to escape to a nearby village of Chmielów and hide in a bunker with other . The bunker was arranged by Tadeusz and Marianna Pastuszka.
He and 16 others that were hiding were saved . He later moved to Israel after the war.