
Otrowiec's Jewish youth belonged to organizations like:  the Zionist Youth, Ha’shomer Ha’tza’ir, Betar, Mizrachi, Ha’shomer Ha’dati, Dror, He’chalutz, left and the "right" Po’alei Tzion, sport clubs of different kinds, Yiddish schools like a Talmud Torah, Yavneh schools of Mizrachi, and many cheders [small religious schools for boys] of various groupings.

Some of these  Zionist and other movements were described in the articles, from the 1971 Yizkor book, below:

Hechalutz Movement in Ostrowiec

Article of Moshe Rosenberg from 1971 Yizkor Book

Background on the history of the worldwide Hechalutz movement can be found here.


Shomer Hatzair
Shomer Hatzair
Poalei Zion “Youth” group 1920
Poalei Zion “Youth” group 1920 קבוצת הנוער פועלי ציון ב1920.
Poalei Zion group 1919
Poalei Zion group 1919 קבוצת פועלי ציון 1919
Hechalutz members of Ostrowiec (Source: page 245 Ostrowiec  Yizkor Book of 1971
Hechalutz members of Ostrowiec (Source: page 245 Ostrowiec Yizkor Book of 1971