Nazi Criminal: Franz Jaeger
Franz Jaeger was chief of the German secret service Gestapo in Ostrowiec and had managed several work camps and sent Jews to be burned in the crematoria of Auschwitz and other death camps. Below are some articles about him.
Nazi Criminal: Franz Jaeger
From the article The Hunt for Criminals, Yizkor Book of Ostrowiec- 1971, page 478
The Ostrowiec unit of the General Committee of the Polish Jews, presented the following letter to Rabbi Professor Dr. Ehrenpreis, chief rabbi of the Swedish Jews, in Stockholm:
“Very honored Professor:
Shalom! We are turning to you about Franz Jaeger and his wife. Franz Jaeger is a criminal of extensive scope. As chief of the German secret service Gestapo in Ostrowiec, he sent Jews to be burned in the crematoria of Auschwitz. He was personally involved with the evacuations in many of the Polish cities, such as Opola, Wolbrom, Czestochow, where, in the course of action, tens of thousands of Jews were murdered. With particular barbarism, he took to the Ostrowiec Jews. He organized so-called work posts, such as the “fishing ponds” or “brick factories,” where Jews could work and stay alive. Before taking them to work, he pressed out legendary sums of money from these tragic victims, and during the evacuation (from 10 to 20 October) he sent all these Jews to the crematoria in Treblinka. As a result of this slick barbarism, about 3,000 victims were killed. In November 1943, he ordered 50 young, healthy people to be shot, as well as those who were incapable of working. Two young boys, the brothers Koppel and Moshe Stein, he himself took over to the Gestapo where they were shot. Because of his huge, killing actions, we do not mention here crimes of lesser worthiness, such as those who eked out monies from the interned Jews in the brick factory.
This criminal and murderer, and his wife, who participated in all his activities, are now hiding out in Sweden.
We know that the verse “the voice of the blood of your brothers is screaming out to you from the earth” is not strange to you and that you will undertake the appropriate steps for the hand of justice to reach the worst criminal in our region.”