Ostrovtzer Independent Mutual Benefit Society


Ostrovtzer Independent Mutual Benefit Society

The Ostrovtzer Independent Mutual Benefit Society helped immigrants from Ostrowiec by providing friendship, loans  and assistance to landsmen who left Ostrowiec and came to Toronto to start a new life. They also helped to provide medical services to the members and their families at reasonable cost.

In addition, the Society organized a young men’s branch for the sons of members.

After the Holocaust, in addition to assisting new immigrants from Ostrowiec, including burial services, they  were active in conducting annual memorials in Toronto including establishing a memorial monument.

The society currently has a Facebook page that can be seen here.

In recent years, correspondence with  Max Hartstone, secretary of the relief committee , have been made available in the Ontario Jewish Archives.

Executive board - circa 1954 -Photo from 30th Year Jubilee of Ostrovtzer Society)
Newspaper notice  about dedication of Ostrowiec Monument on Sunday, October 23, 1966
Newspaper notice about dedication of Ostrowiec Monument on Sunday, October 23, 1966
Monument at Lambton Cemetery, Toronto
Monument at Lambton Cemetery, Toronto
(Photo courtesy of Linda Shub)
60th anniversary of Ostrovtzer IMB society -Sunday Oct 28th 1984 (Photo courtesy of Linda Shub)
60th anniversary of Ostrovtzer IMB society -Sunday Oct 28th 1984 (Photo courtesy of Linda Shub)