Ostrowcer Cajtung- An Ostrowiec Yiddish Newspaper
"A non-party-affiliated weekly for Ostrowiec, Apt (Opatow) and region"
Issue One- Friday, 3 September 1937- פרשת נצבים תרצ"ז
L. Rotsztajn [Rotshteyn], Publisher. Rynek [Market square] 8
Below are translations of various segments of the newspaper
Issue 1- Page 1
Our Word to the Reader
Translated by Tina Lunson
With today’s number of our newspaper we open the tribune of Ostrovtse Jewry. The tribune which is created for the community will serve all parts of Jewish society.
The standard of our tribune will be free and honest.
Free from that which is party-politics, independent of class or group, we will take a stand on all questions that interest the Jewish society in our town.
We declare to you that we will at every opportunity refrain from attacks or blame on groups or individuals.
That does not say however that we will swear off from criticism, for without it our newspaper would lose its meaning for the Jewish community. We will react and take positions in an appropriate form to all “strong” things in our community, all with the goal of serving the Jewish masses.
And we turn to the Jewish masses with this: Value the significance of your=our tribune. Give us the opportunity, through buying our newspaper, for the tribune to have a secure existence, then – then all will enjoy the fruits of our labor and we are certain that much of the mistreatment and foulness that had a place because of the lack of an open tribune, will disappear from our life.
Issue 1- Page 2
Community of Young Men-The Gemillut-Chesed Society
(The story of the treasury of the pre-war Gemillut-Chesed in Ostrowiec)
By Mendel Rozenberg
(Translated from Yiddish by Libby Raichman)
The Gemillut Chesed in our town was founded by a group of young men who, in their time, felt that it was important to provide social assistance in the form of interest-free-credit, for impoverished Jews.
We are presenting here to our readers the description by Mr. Mendel Rozenberg that was printed in the magazine “Folks Hilf"[Folk-Assistance]** edition number 67, portraying the first years of social life in our town. It was, into this institution, that many current community workers took their first steps.
We are quoting from the book of records that was kept by Mr. Eliezer Mintzberg. Its title “In the name of God”, was written in large Hebrew calligraphy and is presented here, in its Yiddish translation.
“In the name of God, who has granted man knowledge, we, the Ostrowiec young men, are reaching out to Him, in His righteousness, and we hope that He will give us the wisdom and understanding, and good thoughts to bring to light, and tread the path that our eyes have witnessed, and to come close to the commandment of Gemillut Chesed in Ostrowiec. We are reaching out because the cry of those who are unfortunate is growing stronger, and there is no-one to attend to their support. Even the God-fearing are content, as their only joy, is to do the will of the Creator with prayer and entreaty. They are strengthening the two pillars on which the world stands – the law of Torah, and the law of worship, but the third pillar, that is, acts of loving-kindness is neglected and ignored, and has no support because the local people, the religious, are happy with the fact that they bring praise to the Lord of the universe by observance and by worshipping Him with religious prayer. Consequently, they believe that they are in accordance with God, their God, their conscience is quite clear, even when the poor and the destitute are wandering around suffering from hunger. May God protect us.
They think nothing of it, but not so, the younger generation. We religious young men, have woken up. In God’s name, we are thinking of establishing an organization to do the will of our Father in heaven, to do our duty to all”, (This means to all three pillars on which the world stands: Torah, Avodah and Gemillut Chasadim).
[Torah, Avodah and Gemillut-Chasadim – “by three things the world is sustained – by the law, by worship, and by deeds of loving kindness. Avot 1:2.]
(a continuation to follow)
**- Folks Hilf was a monthly Yiddish journal of the "gemilut chasadim" funds in Poland.
Page 3
Our Institutions Linat HaTzedek
The organization Linat Hatzedek in our town is continuing to progress according to its traditional productive activities in the sphere of providing assistance for the poor who are ill.
President of the organization is Dr. Malinger, vice-president V. Grinberg, treasurer Y. Miknbrun.
Free medicinal assistance is provided by the eminent doctors – Abramowicz, Meyer, Yellin, Shafel, and Mr. and Mrs. Shibber. In the report of their activities, the numbers are a sufficient indication of the extensive assistance provided.
We are presenting here a few of the figures, for a period of 9 months. In this period, the following was provided: 318 medical examinations in clinics, 547 examinations of the sick, in their homes, and in respite, 483 injections, 61 under investigation and X-rays, 670 prescriptions from pharmacies, and 1007 prescriptions distributed in clinics. Recently, the epidemics such as Typhus, Dysentery, the Flu, etc. have drawn on the already weak finances, and the organization feels that the situation is dangerous if the community does not fulfill its responsibility in time, towards the poor Jewish person, at the time of his most urgent need – during an illness.
It is important to mention that people can turn to the Linat Tzedek when in difficult financial circumstances, and their information will remain confidential.
**-Linat Ha’Tzedek – Hostel for the poor that provided medical assistance and lodgings for the needy.
Issue 1-page 4
On the Evenings of the Conclusion of the Sabbath prior to the High Holy Days- the Shops will be open until 10 at night.
(Translated from Yiddish by Libby Raichman)
The Central Small-Business Association in Warsaw approached the government authorities with the request that Jewish shop-owners be permitted to trade for a few hours on a Sunday, on the eve of a Jewish festival. In answer, they were informed that they were not permitted to trade on a Sunday; instead, trading hours will be extended to 10pm at the end of the Sabbath, prior to a Jewish festival, so that the Jewish community will be able to purchase their necessary items.
PDF of Issue 1- Ostrowcer_Cajtung_1937 Issue 1