Israel Hercyk

Yisrael Fishel Hercyk (Libai)

Yisrael Fishel Hercyk (Libai)

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Yisrael Fishel Hercyk (Libai) was born in 1905 in Ostrowiec, son of Shmuel Meir Hercyk and Tova Etyl Chaya (Eizenman). His father (b.1870) was the Av Bet Din in Ostrowiec (Shmuel Hadayan) and killed by  the Cossacks around 1914 on way from Ostrowiec to Warsaw when he went to buy the ‘4 Minim’ for the Sukkot Holiday. Yisrael’s grandfather was Moshe Michael Hercyk and was married to Sara, daughter of the famous Rabbis in Ostrowiec Shmuel Shmarye (Heine) .

Yisrael in his youth was active in the  Hachalutz Youth movement and moved to Israel in 1932 the same year that he married his wife Dina Zilberberg. In Israel he changed his name from Hercyk to Libai.

His siblings were:

Moshe (1897-1985)  Moshe Hercyk/ Libai . He married Sarah Hercyk /Libai

Sara (1900-1980)  Married to Mr Rosenzweig

Abraham (1909-1990)  Married to Gita (Waxman)

Elimelech - born in 1914 . His wife and child died in the Holocaust .

Leah Frieda Miriam - Born in 1901 She and husband Moshe Shimon Honigman lived at Rynek 21. They and their 7children died in the Holocaust (Sarah b. 1926,Perla b. 1928,Rachel b. 1930, Shmuel b. 1939 and 3 other 3 children)

Yisrael  passed away in 2005.