Zyngier (Singer) Families

The family name of Zyngier ( Singer) from Ostrowiec appears in many sources in the  town history and among descendants. In this page, we will try to consolidate information known and provide links to additional pages on this website.


Lejbus Pejsach (Percy) Singer (Zyngier) was born on May 15, 1919

in Ostroweic son of Itcha (Isadore / Yitzchak) and Chaya Sura Zyngier

See his page for more details.


Paul Singer, born as Mendel Pinkhas Zyngier on September 1920 lived in Ostrowiec, son of Abraham and Sarah Singer .

His siblings that are currently known  were his 2 brothers that survived the Holocaust:

Harry - born Sept 7 1924. Moved from Waterbury to Hamden, Connecticut after the war. He had 2 children with his wife Naomi, Debra and Robert. He was an active member of Temple Beth Sholom in Hamden for 40 years.


His sister  Chaya Szaindla  died in the Holocaust.

Paul survived several concentration camps including  Auschwitz ,Flossenbürg ,Gleiwitz .

After the war, he lived in Waterbury Connecticut (USA) with his two brothers David and Harry and mother Sarah (known by the whole extended family after the war as "the meema").
Paul married Marilyn and they had a daughter Sharon. Paul moved from USA to Toronto and would later partner with his cousin Percy Singer with businesses in Kitchener Ontario. After Marilyn passed away, he married Jeannette and moved to Florida.

His Holocaust testimony can be seen at


In the Ostrowiec Yizkor book of 1971, he and his brother David took out a memorial ad for his family seen on this page.

Sources include : Cindy (Singer) Beer and the Ostrowiec Yizkor Book, 1971

Hanna and Natan Singer lived in Ostrowiec and had  7 children: 4 daughters: Rose, Frimmet, Shaindl, Toby and Faiga (also known as Fay), and two sons: Moishe and Yehuda.


From various transport records to Auschwitz , we know of following Zyngier residents  ( Singer) that were deported there:

B-5395 Berek b. 10.03.1922

B-5396 Szyja b. 10.01.1924



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Singer Memorial Ad