Ewa Szymańska Lipko-Lipczyńska

Ewa Szymańska Lipko-Lipczyńska

Righteous Among Nations

Lipko-Lipczyńska Ewelina

Her Rescue Story

With pride at the luck they had, Ewa recalled, “Throughout the whole war, about fifty people passed through our home, staying for a longer or shorter period or receiving immediate help. […] Most were Jews. […] There were also Poles wanted by the Gestapo. […] This happened over five long years, right next to a barracks full of German soldiers and in front of neighbours – residents on Polna, Iłżecka and Browarna Streets!”.

---excerpted from Papa Szymański’s Guest House

Mode of Rescue

  • Hiding
  • Illegal transfer
  • Providing forged documents


  • Anna Dratwer Bayer
  • Róża Dembiszewska
  • Stefania Dromlewicz
  • First name unknown Gurfinkiel
  • Cela Szotland Gurfinkiel
  • Maria Karaś
  • Cecylia Lewicka
  • Halina Mirowska
  • Maria Ryba Neuhof
  • Cyrla Rakocz
  • Jadwiga Lewicka Reńska
  • Adam Sznajderman
  • First name unknown Szotland
  • Pola Szotland
  • Róża Szotland
  • Szoszana/Róża (Rosenman) Wacholder
  • Wanda Wróblewska
  • Andrzej Wróblewski

Links to the Rescue Story

Papa Szymański’s Guest House

Polin- Stories of Rescue

Yad Vashem Recognition

Database of Righteous Among the Nations