Fachler family- Salomon is the baby
Fachler Family
The family name Fachler was quite common in Ostrowiec. Many Fachlers left to Lodz from Ostrowiec and many emigrated to North and South America before the Holocaust.
Yanky Fachler writes in his book, The Vow: Rebuilding the Fachler Tribe After the Holocaust, “As far as can be ascertained, the family patriarch was my great great grandfather Nathan Fachler, who was born around 1850, and lived in...Ostrowiec...We don’t know just how many members of the family left Poland for America, but it seems that the figure may have reached several dozen....”
Salomon (Shloime) Fachler
Salomon (Shloime) Fachler was born to Miriam Beile and Mayer Fachler in 1932, a brother to six older siblings: Shmuel, Yankel, Szulim, Shimshon, Rachmiel and Rivka (a baby who died before he was born). Salomon survived as a hidden child during the Holocaust.
My Survival in Poland
The Hidden Child, Volume XXVI 2018, published by the Hidden Child Foundation/ADL