Lola Blajberg

Lola Blajberg- Source: Gone to Pitchipoï -by Rubin Katz

Lola Blajberg

Lola was daughter of Szlama Blajberg and Chana Frejda Blajberg  and born in Ostrowiec.

Part of her Holocaust experience was written in a book: Gone to Pitchipoï -by Rubin Katz

Pg 153:

Lola Blajberg, who lived in Wawer, outside Warsaw. Lola was employed as a maid by a well-to-do Polish family—under an assumed identity, of course. Lola knew me from home; she was one of three young women from Ostrowiec, including my cousin Franka, who were all passing for non-Jews, with false papers, in the Warsaw area…. Lola meanwhile hid me in a spare room in her mistress’s house and covered me over in a bed with heavy feather-filled bedding…. Lola took a huge risk doing what she did; she was a true friend.

Lola Blajberg also survived the war and married an old friend of hers from Ostrowiec, Shlomo Politanski. She became a nurse sister and lived in Hadera, Israel.

Lola in front of Rembrandt studio
Lola in front of Rembrandt studio
Left to Right- Lola Yerach Ada
Left to Right- Lola Yerach Ada