Rina Niskier Sheves
Rina/Renya Niskier was born in 1920 in Ostrowiec, daughter of Dov and Rivka Niskier. As she got older, she became involved in Zionist activity with the and left to Lodz in 1938/9 to a Hachshara for agricultural training as part of the "Noar Hazioni".
Soon after the war broke out, she moved to Warsaw until the heavy bombings there. She then returned to Ostrowiec and helped in the education and care at a childrens home.
Later, after the deportations, in 1942 she ran away to Warsaw, where she met Janina Grundgand Kulwieć through Edzia Fefer, who helped Rina by making Aarian documents and place her to work with and aunt of Janina, Mrs. Wojciechowska on Chmielna street. She was doing household work there. Later she moved out to Wloch working for someone there until Warsaw was libearated.
She then moved to Lublin and then to Italy, to make Aliya to Palestine in August 1945 and married Feivel Sheves [Shewes}.
After the war , once in Israel, she was in close contact with Ostrowiec friends including Hinda Malachi and Batia Folkman who together helped get Janina recognized by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations.
Her Yad Vashem testimony can be seen here.