Weinwurzel Family

Weinwurzel Family-(Left to right) Upper row:  Roma, Esther, Shoshana, Mother Chaya, Sara   Bottom row: Saba, Baruch, Samuel
Weinwurzel Family-(Left to right) Upper row: Roma, Esther, Shoshana, Mother Chaya, Sara Bottom row: Saba, Baruch, Samuel
Left to Right: Baruch and Sam Weinwurzel
Left to Right: Baruch and Sam Weinwurzel

Dov Weinwurzel (Wajnworcel) was married to Chaya (daughter of Eliezer and Hava Najnudel) and lived in Ostrowiec. Chaya had a furniture shop.

Their children were:


Szmulek/Sam (b. 1917) –  married Pela Rosenmann (b. 1921) in the Ghetto in 1942  and were reunited after the war in Munich Germany. They moved to New York in 1965 with their two children, Dov Henry (Hanoch) and Baruch Jacob (Bob). Henry lives in Israel since 1970 and Baruch in New York.

Baruch (Zysman -middle name b. 1921) – murdered in the Holocaust near the train station (as indicated by his mother's testimony seen on this page)





Esther - marrried David Nattiv (Blechman)


Chaya and all the daughters survived the Holocaust and moved to Israel except for Saba who moved to Toronto.


Bob (Baruch) Weinwurzel (son of Sam nad Pela Weinwurzel)


Chaya Gitla Hela Wajnworcel;
Chaya Gitla Hela Wajnworcel;
Esther Nattiv (Blechman)
Esther Nattiv (Blechman)
Esther's testimony of her brother Baruch's murder at the train station.
Esther's testimony of her brother Baruch's murder at the train station.