Najnudel Family

The family name of Najnudel ( Nainudel) from Ostrowiec appears in many sources in the  town history and among descendants. In this page, we will try to consolidate information known and provide links to additional pages.

There was a Moshe and Sima Najnudel that lived in Ostrowiec in the early 1800's. What we currently know is of their son Eliezer, husband of Hava and father of Chaya Gitla Hela Wajnworcel; Naftali Najnudel; Roma Zabner; Masza Silberman; Abraham Najnudel; Rachel Fridman and Sima Shtainman.

There was also an Abraham Fajwel Najnudel and his wife Chaja Sara (Rosenblat).
They had a son Moszek that was born 9-12-1901 and moved to Brazil from Israel. In Brazil he had a furniture store like another Ostrowiec descendant Abram Blajberg.

Berl Najnudel (Nainudel) was married to Chaja (Chaya) ROZENBERG and an article on Berl can be found here.

Fishel and Chaya Nainudel is another family that details can be found at at my Heritage.


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