Nesia Borenstein
Nesia Nisenbaum-Borenstein was born in Ostrowiec, Poland on July 26, 1931 to Szprinza Krieger-Nisenbaum and Moshe Nisenbaum. She was the youngest of her siblings: two sisters, Regina and Bronia, and brother Raphael.
Nesia was only 10 years old when the Ostrowiec Ghetto was established. As a result, she was not able to attend public school.
During the liquidation of the Ostrowiec Ghetto on Oct 11, 1942, Nesia’s parents decided not to join the forced gathering of the Jews at the market square, and instead went into hiding in the town. Shortly thereafter, they were all caught; her father was shot dead on the spot.
In July 1944, at age 13, Nesia was deported to Auschwitz with part of her family. In January 1945, she was transferred to the Ravensbrueck and Malchow concentration camps in Germany. She was liberated in April 1945.
Miraculously, her mother and siblings all survived Auschwitz and were also liberated in 1945.
After the war, Nesia’s mother decided it would be best for her daughters to learn and be among teenage friends. They lived in Bielsko at the Dom Dziecka school and orphanage. Nesia’s happiest childhood years was at this school, learning and interacting with friends her age. She lived there from 1945-1950.
In 1950, Nesia, her mother and sister left for Israel, where Nesia later became an infant nurse. After marrying Jack Borenstein, also from Ostrowiec, in June 1957, Nesia moved to Toronto, Canada later that year. Together they raised three boys.
Nesia passed away in February 1987.
by Nesia Borenstein
As a concentration camp survivor it is so hard
This sad story to start
But I feel we must
Never forget the past
Not forget our brothers, fathers, small children, and mothers
It is not easy to tell
Of the gas chambers' smell
I remember the smoke
Reaching the sky.
Surely G-d could hear
Their screaming, suffering,
And how they cried.
I didn't see faces
But was họping
The smoke will reach help in some places
I suffered and imagined how the crying died
And the innocent souls were saying to me
Please don't forget us
Goodbye, goodbye
Mrs. Hope
by Nesia Borenstein (written in 1970’s)
I am calling myself Mrs. Hope.
During the Second World War,
I, was one of the victims of that War.
As a child, I was separated from my parents and sentenced to concentration camps.
In winter, on an open train platform, I was almost frozen to death.
By a miracle, I was saved.
I suffered disease, sickness, and starvation.
The only thing I could do, is pray that G-d would stop the war and save everyone from suffering.
Now, as the mother of small children, I appreciate freedom and pray for peace in the world.
Let’s stop the tragedies that wars bring - orphans, disease, starvation.
We, mothers all over the world, want to live in a world without fear of wars, killing, diseases.
Let’s hope the heavy clouds that surround the world will disappear,
and sunshine and hope for people will appear.
That everybody will talk with pride about our better world
For every woman and every child,
That G-d will show the people how to live,
And they will recognize, wrong from right.
We mothers can only pray,
Let our prayers stop killing in any nation.
Let’s solve the problem of starvation.
Let’s all pray to bring peace and brotherhood to every nation.
Nesia Borenstein
Mnie, ocalałej z obozu koncentracyjnego, tak trudno jest
Rozpocząć tę smutną historię
Ale czuję, że musimy
Nigdy nie zapomnieć o tym co było
Nie zapomnieć o naszych braciach, ojcach, małych dzieciach i matkach
Nie jest łatwo opowiedzieć
O zapachu gazowych komór.
Pamiętam ten dym
Sięgający nieba.
Na pewno B-g mógł usłyszeć
Ich krzyki, cierpienie,
I to jak płakali.
Nie widziałam ich twarzy
Ale miałam nadzieję
Że ten dym sprowadzi pomoc
Cierpiałam i wyobrażałam sobie śmierć tych którzy płakali
A niewinne dusze mówiły do mnie
Proszę, nigdy nas nie zapomnij
Do widzenia, żegnaj
Pani Nadzieja
Nesia Borenstein (napisane w latach 70-tych)
Nazywam się Panią Nadzieją.
W czasie II wojny światowej byłam ofiarą tej wojny.
Będąc dzieckiem zostałam oddzielona od rodziców i skazana na obóz koncentracyjny.
Zimą na otwartym peronie prawie zamarzłam na śmierć.
Cudem zostałam uratowana.
Cierpiałam choroby, ból i głód.
Jedyne, co mogłam zrobić, to modlić się, aby Bg zakończył wojnę i uratował wszystkich od tego cierpienia.
Teraz będąc matką malutkich dzieci doceniam wolność i modlę się o pokój na świecie
Bez tragedii, które przynoszą wojny, bez sierot, bez chorób, bez głodu.
My, matki całego świata, chcemy żyć na świecie bez strachu przed wojnami, mordami, chorobami.
Miejmy nadzieję, że czarne chmury otulające nasz świat znikną
i pojawi się słońce i nadzieja dla ludzi.
I wszyscy z dumą będą opowiadać o nowym lepszym świecie
Dla każdej kobiety i każdego dziecka,
Że Bg pokaże ludziom jak żyć,
odróżniać zło od dobra.
My matki możemy się tylko modlić,
Niech nasze modlitwy zakończą zabijanie w każdym kraju, w każdym narodzie
Niech rozwiążą problem głodu.
Módlmy się wszyscy zatem o pokój i braterstwo dla każdego narodu.