Nusym and Malka Lerman

Nusym Lerman married Malka Klajman in 1894 , 7 years after his first wife Chaja Chinda Klajman (Malka's sister) died.
The couple had 5 children:
2 sons:
Chil Majer Lerman – born on 1/20/1896 married in Ostrowiec
Shlomo Lerman -born on 1/21/1908
3 daughters:
Chaya Rywka (Jaie Rywka) -(b.1900 ) married in Ozarow  Josef Grynblum in 1925 and they had a daughter in 1926 named Tova Leah. They moved to Ostrowiec and were deported to Treblinka and murdered in 1943.

Ajdla (Aidel) Lerman - (b. 10-05-1914 in Ozarow) Married Andzel Chaskiel Daches and moved to Ostrowiec where they had 4 children, all born in Ostrowiec:

  • Natán, (b. September 9, 1936 )
  • Hirsz and Symcha (twins b. September 8, 1937) Hirsz died at birth and  Symcha died April 16, 1939)
  • Moshe (Mojzesz) b. February 17, 1940

Aidel, her husband and the 2 children were deported on October 12, 1942 during the liquidation of the Ostrowiec Ghetto and murdered in Treblinka in 1943.

Bajla Gitla Lerman -married in Ozarow All the 5 children moved to Ostrowiec.

Holocaust and Post Holocaust family history

Chil Majer survived but Rywka Kestenberg was murdered in Treblinka.

Chil Majer survived the Holocaust along with his son Levi, after undergoing forced labor in the Zaklady steel /Jaeger factory, they were deported to the Czestocice camp, Auschwitz Birkenau, Buna Monowitz, going through a death march to Gleiwitz, Dora Mittelbau, Bergen Belsen, where they were liberated on April 15, 1945 by the United Kingdom's Eleventh Armored Division.

Shlomo Lerman, escaped the anti-Semitism of Europe before the war, arriving in Argentina in January 1949. He married Sara Zakhejm and had two sons, Armando Marcelo (Abraham Meyer) and Natalio Lerman (Nusym- like his grandfather).


Follow the links of Chil Majer Lerman and Shlomo for more details of their family history.


Written by Adrian Lerman, daughter of Natalio Lerman z'l . Edited by Avi Borenstein