Rabbi Dovid Sylman
Sylman Family
Details courtesy of Sara Sylman
The Sylman Family was a prominent family in Ostrowiec.
Rabbi Dovid Sylman married Yente, the daughter of Rabbi Meir Yechiel Halstock.
Their children were:
Moshe Yisral
Yosef Neta
Idl (Yehuda) and his twin brother Shmuel
Yechezkel Avigdor.
Rabbi Dovid Silman passed away during the 1920s. The rest of the family were killed during the Holocaust, aside for Shmuel who escaped to Russia.
Shmuel married Henia Kudlowicz in December 1945. [During the Holocaust, Henia and others were hidden by a righteous gentile Henryk (Henio) Małkiewicz. Read their story here. ] After the war, they moved to Peru and later to Israel.