1970 Yizkor Book Committees

Session of the book

Session of the Book Committee

From right to left: Yehuda Rosenberg, Moshe Goldfinger, Advocate Yehezkiel Ereli (Erlich), Shlomo Horvitz, Simkha Minzberg, Yerahmiel Halstock and Arie Zabner

Also belonging to the committee:
Nahum Walerstein, Fela Majerczik, Miriam Feldmann, Hayim Langer, Shmuel Wagner and Jaffa Rosenberg, deceased. The Book Committee composed of the members of the Organisation of Ostrovtsers in Israel

The Yizcor-Book Committee in New York

The Yizkor-Book Committee in New York

Seated (from right to left): Jeannette Streitmann, Rachel Gutholz-Kempinsky, Chairman Shmuel Steitmann, Vice-Chairman Bernard Baumstein, Treasurer Dora Baumstein, Guta Gutwill-Braun, Josef Glatt.

Standing: Shimon Kempinsky, Charles Grossmann, J.M. Birenzweig, S. Birenzweig, Bernard Glatt, Mordechai Topel, David Winchester, Moshe Fish

The Toronto Committee of the Ostrowiec Memorial Book

The Toronto Committee of the Ostrowiec Yizkor Book

Seated  (from right to left): Shlomo Steinhardt, Paltiel Brickman, Fin. Sec. Mordekhai Grinspan,

Frat. Treas. Lawyer Leibush Cuker, Chairman Yeshayahu Zweigmann, Vice-Chairman Yehezkiel Mandel, Secretary Eber Beinerman.

Standing: Harry Fischer, Israel Garfinkel, Meir Rosenberg, Shmuel Friedmann, Yehiel Rachimore, Abraham Starkmann.